Monthly letter from sailor Wiebe Jacobsz van Harlingen. A monthly letter was drawn up at the request of a crew member and served as means of payment for his service. The holder of the letter was entitled to a quarter of his wage.

Origin of the crew of the frigate Huis te Warmelo.
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Thanks to the preserved payment register of the Huis te Warmelo it is known who was on board the warship in 1715. The register lists payment to individual crew members stating their name, home town, and rank. From captain François de Groot to ship’s boy Pieter Dirksz Mol.
The payment register is the starting point for further research on the crew members. When were they baptized? Were they married? Did they have children? These are questions that baptismal and marriage records can answer. Perhaps you recognize a name by researching your own family history!
Those on board or their families may have visited the notary around 1715 to arrange matters or an estate. Or were they in debt and was there a case heard before the local court? Relatives may also have applied for poor relief in their place of residence.
Joining the search does not necessarily mean paying a visit to an archive. Many Dutch archive institutions and researchers post data and documents on the internet.
Information about crew members is welcome via the contact form.
Where did the crew members come from?
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